Looking to buy? Let's make it happen.

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Buying a new house in Amsterdam, your chances grow with Smit en Heinen.

At Smit & Heinen we have at least eight brokers on our team who are true experts in their field of work. Obviously we have the needed certifications and over 20 years of expertise in Amsterdam. Besides the fact that we're specialists in our line of work, we also like to be personally committed during the whole buying process.

Choice between two packages:

Guidance during the entire process
We'll guide you through the whole process of buying, from start to finish. Firstly we'll start searching for a new home suited to your needs. We'll join you at viewings and can spot - for example - architectural defects. We obviously don't want you to make a bad buy.
Guidance at choice of home
You'll go to viewings on your own and as soon as you have a house with potential, you reach out to us. That said, we do keep you informed of our latest housing offers daily.

What you can expect of our Brokers

At Smit & Heinen we'd love to completely unburden you during the entire process of buying a house. We achieve this with expert guidance and clear communication. We'd like to make the whole process of buying easy for you! Together we'll achieve the best possible outcome.

The services of Smit & Heinen:

  • We'll gather your home wishes
  • You'll be updated daily of new housing offers
  • We'll plan viewings for you and guide you along with it
  • We'll do research about the location and environmental aspects
  • We'll do the negotiations for you
  • We'll guide you through the whole process
  • Afterward the whole process you can still reach out to us if you have any questions

Verhuisd stel

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