Request a free house valuation

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Free house valuation of your house in Amsterdam

Would you like to know what your house is worth? Request a free house valuation at Smit & Heinen. During a meeting we'll give you a clear impression about the current value and possibilities of your house. We take the following aspects in account:

  • Research of similar houses in the area
  • The maintenance condition of the house
  • Chances of improvement of the building
  • The popularity of the neighbourhood
  • The desired sales term

What exactly is a free house valuation?

As soon as a meeting is scheduled, our broker will come visit you at your house to inspect the house. He or she will advise a possible sales price for the house. Caution, this is an estimated price, not an official appraisal.

A fitting sales strategy

After researching the house, a broker will share their findings with you. The strong and weaker points will be discussed. In this meeting we'll explain to you how a possible sales process could be set up. Of course, we'll always take your personal situation and wishes into account. After the received information you can decide if you would like to move forward with us.

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Schedule a free meeting

Our broker would love to get to know you

Plan a meeting at the form below or reach out to us directly by phone or e-mail.

Schedule your free valuation

Smit & Heinen consists of a team of 13 people. We laugh with each other, but we're also keen on working hard to achieve the best results. You can also become part of our team! How? Quite easy, the process of selling or buying a house with us makes you a member of our team. If we come across an issue, we'll immediately stick our heads together en come up with a plan of action until we find the best solution.
It is the duty of a broker to fulfill you of all your needs during the process of selling or buying a house. What you see, is what you get. This is maintained throughout the whole process due to clear communication and transparency. We love to keep you up to date. If this means an update after every viewing or the status of a house for sale which you would like to buy.
You need to get the feeling that everything is achievable. A full service unburdening. We know it's hard to buy the house you'd like, especially in the current market. Tháts why you reach out to us! When you get the feeling that this is going to be easy, than we've done our job correctly. That's the feeling you'll get with Smit & Heinen.
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